Global Reach: Past Grantees

Equal Education


Although post-1994 South Africa has achieved universal access to primary and early secondary education, the quality of teaching remains poor, class and race-linked inequalities are entrenched and infrastructure at state schools continues to be a significant challenge. Around 27% of public schools do not have running water, 78% are without libraries and 78% do not have computers.


Equal Education (EE) was established in 2008 in Khayelitsha to support teachers and students fighting for quality education in difficult conditions. It has now become a movement of students, parents, teachers and community members working to address inequality and improve infrastructure as well as the quality of teaching. Its main tools are analysis, advocacy and activism and its extraordinary success so far lies as much in its excellent judgment as in the ability to mobilize thousands of students. EE has over 3000 Equalisers in 114 schools around the country.

Where is Equal Education?

Primary Location: Cape Town


Funded Since: 2012

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