Youth Development Tools

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Evaluating Programs For Youth

EMpower Tools for Monitoring And Evaluation

EMpower – The Emerging Markets Foundation with Bonnie Shepard, Consultant, 2017

Monitoring and evaluating youth-focused programs can seem/be challenging for many reasons such as:

  • Adolescence is a time of growth and change anyhow so it may not be clear what is due to program participation.
  • Young people are highly mobile so it may be hard to do follow-up
  • The benefits of program participation may not be evident immediately but longer term, and thus harder for most programs to measure.
  • Organizations may not have funding or specialized staff capacity for evaluation.

Despite challenges, evaluating and deliberate learning from program experience is vital to understand if they are making a difference to young people. Programs and funders need to understand if desired changes for youth take place, and to adjust accordingly. Effective advocacy for shifts in policy or resources requires data. Solid program experience and evidence of results is needed before contemplating scaling youth-focused approaches.

Effective monitoring and evaluation is built into programs at the beginning by having a clear program model, outlining key assumptions and expected results (a “theory of change”). Therefore, EMpower discusses planned monitoring and evaluation with grantees during proposal submission. To assist with such and to de-mystify evaluation, we developed user-friendly tools and guidance on specific aspects of youth development that many EMpower grantee partners seek to measure – see specific links by topic area below.

Basic guide to program evaluation

EMpower – The Emerging Markets Foundation (with Julie Solomon, consultant), 2010

This guide is intended to provide some basic definitions, tools, and methods related to program evaluation. Topics include: reasons to evaluate your work, types of evaluation, and timing of an evaluation. The guide also includes tools for collecting data as well as tips on conducting focus groups, surveys, and in-depth interviews.

Strengthening Organizations

The Art of Fundraising: A Practical Workbook of Tools and Strategies

EMpower – The Emerging Markets Foundation

This EMpower-curated toolkit provides concepts, tips, resources and exercises to help small organizations understand more about fundraising, determine the most effective approaches given their capacity and context, and gain concrete ideas to strengthen their fundraising strategies and tactics.

Livelihoods: Preparing Youth To Earn A Decent, Dignified Income

It’s her business: A handbook for preparing young, at-risk women to become entrepreneurs

EMpower – The Emerging Markets Foundation, 2010

This is a practical resource for organizations seeking to start or strengthen entrepreneurship programs for young, at-risk women. It outlines the essential components of successful entrepreneurship programs, discusses common challenges and considerations, and provides other useful tips and resources.

For use with young women in their late teens or early twenties.

The toolkit discusses the following topics:

  • key components of an entrepreneurship program
  • questions to consider when developing trainings on entrepreneurship
  • deciding what product or service to offer
  • marketing
  • developing a business plan
  • financial literacy
  • program monitoring and evaluation
Shattering Stereotypes: Nontraditional Job Paths for Young Women

EMpower - The Emerging Markets Foundation, 2015

This resource kit was put together to provide references and easy‐to-use tools and resources for participants in the “Shattering Stereotypes Learning Exchange on Nontraditional Jobs for Young Women”. This Learning Exchange, which took place in January 2015, brought together select EMpower grantee partners and other experts working to position and prepare girls and young women for jobs usually reserved for males.

Designing Programs for Adolescent Girls

The Girl Path

EMpower - The Emerging Markets Foundation, 2015

The purpose of The Girl Path is to identify obstacles that prevent girls from fully participating in youth programs, and then to brainstorm ways that programs can remove, reduce, or otherwise address those barriers.

The Girl Path is currently available in English, Spanish, Hindi and Russian, with imagery options of girls from E/SE Asia, India, Latin America, Europe and Africa.

The Girl Path brochure contains instructions to implement this tool, and the Girl Path Icons are able to be cut out for use.

Girl-Centered Program Design: A Toolkit to Develop, Strengthen & Expand Adolescent Girls Programs

Population Council, 2010

This toolkit is meant for anyone interested in designing or running a program specifically for adolescent girls.

It covers:

  • how to decide which girls to include in the program
  • how to conduct needs assessments to better understand their needs
  • how to structure the program: creating safe spaces, recruitment, leadership development and gaining support for the program from parents and the community
  • reaching extremely vulnerable youth
  • program content topics: building girls’ assets, economic strengthening, reproductive health, sexual and gender-based violence
  • monitoring and evaluation.

Helping Girls Speak Out and Be Heard

Girls’ voices, girls’ priorities: Participatory, innovative tools for capturing girls’ realities and understanding changes in their lives

EMpower - The Emerging Markets foundation (with Andrea Lynch, consultant), 2012

This toolkit brings together user-friendly information and practical, participatory approaches that enable adolescent girl participants in youth-serving organizations to document changes in their lives, and to provide input to shape programs. It contains eight innovative, participatory tools that program staff and girl participants can use to improve the quality of the programs, deepen insight into girls’ realities, and capture and share changes in girls’ lives. *Tools only available in English.

Sexuality and Gender

Por una Sexualidad Libre, Guía para la sensibilización y capacitación de promotoras y promotores juveniles en salud sexual

Nos Cuidamos, Nos Construimos. El papel de los varones jóvenes en la prevención del embarazo adolescente en Méxic

Machismo No es Destino, Manual de prevención de violencia contra las mujeres para niños y niñas de primaria

Aprendiendo a Querer: Noviazgos Libres de Violencia. Guía metodológica para prevenir la violencia contra las mujeres entre estudiantes de secundaria

Amores Chidos: Guia para Docentes: Sensibilizacion, Prevencion y Atencion Basica de la Violencia en el Noviazgo con las y los Jovenes

La Oportunidad de Cambio: Guia Metodologica para el trabajo comunitario con hombres desde la perspectiva de genero

Guía sobre Educacion Sexual Integral (ESI)

Curso Atención Integral a Personas Trans

Guía para docentes sobre vacunas y VPH

Guía sobre SSR y diseño de proyectos para organizaciones sociales

The working with young men series, project H

Instituto Promundo with support from IPPF/WHR, PAHO and WHO, 2002

This toolkit is designed to help young men (ages 15 to 24) explore gender roles and relationships, with activities on the following topics:

  • Gender
  • Sexuality
  • Reproductive health
  • Fatherhood and care-giving
  • Violence prevention
  • Emotional health
  • Drug use
  • Preventing and living with HIV and AIDS
It’s All One

International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group, 2011

This comprehensive, user-friendly resource helps policymakers, curriculum developers, and educators to develop locally appropriate sexuality/HIV education curricula that promote critical thinking about gender and rights. The toolkit has 54 sample activities, all tested and easy to adapt across cultures.

Developed for ages 15 and older, but can be adapted for younger youth. This two-book kit provides essential content on:

  • Gender
  • Human rights
  • Sexual health and sexuality
  • HIV
  • Puberty
  • Reproduction, contraception, and abortion
  • Relationships and communication
  • Intimate-partner violence
  • Advocating for rights