Youth Development Tools

Livelihoods: Preparing Youth To Earn A Decent, Dignified Income

Finding a way to earn an income, through a job or self-employment, is a major source of concern for young people, their families and their countries—many of which have very high youth unemployment rates. While there are no quick fixes, there are some tools that help organizations respond to the need to help youth find decent livelihoods either now or in the near future.

It’s her business: A handbook for preparing young, at-risk women to become entrepreneurs

EMpower – The Emerging Markets Foundation, 2010

This is a practical resource for organizations seeking to start or strengthen entrepreneurship programs for young, at-risk women. It outlines the essential components of successful entrepreneurship programs, discusses common challenges and considerations, and provides other useful tips and resources.

For use with young women in their late teens or early twenties.

The toolkit discusses the following topics:

  • key components of an entrepreneurship program
  • questions to consider when developing trainings on entrepreneurship
  • deciding what product or service to offer
  • marketing
  • developing a business plan
  • financial literacy
  • program monitoring and evaluation
Learning from practice series: How to make youth employment programs girl-friendly

The World Bank’s Adolescent Girls Initiative, 2013

This is a short handout (4 pages) with key lessons learned from different programs working with adolescent girls in developing countries. Part of The World Bank: Adolescent Girl Initiative website.

Shattering Stereotypes: Nontraditional Job Paths for Young Women

EMpower - The Emerging Markets Foundation, 2015

This resource kit was put together to provide references and easy‐to-use tools and resources for participants in the “Shattering Stereotypes Learning Exchange on Nontraditional Jobs for Young Women”. This Learning Exchange, which took place in January 2015, brought together select EMpower grantee partners and other experts working to position and prepare girls and young women for jobs usually reserved for males.
