Residential migrants in Guangzhou have reached approximately 837 million in 2013. Migrant children do not enjoy equal education opportunity and access to local public services. They also often face discrimination, exclusion, instability, and sometimes language barriers. In Guangzhou, the number of migrant students enrolled in high schools can only equal 8% of their student total, and enrollment competition is fierce. Therefore most migrant children do not continue their high school education locally and have to face early their first life choice and career development challenge, often without the necessary skills to take life and planning decisions.
Qi Chuang Social Work Development Association, founded in 2008 as a collaborative effort by professors of social work from the University of Hong Kong and Sun Yat-sen University, provides critical social work services to families and young people in need, while also developing the nascent social work profession in Guangzhou. It also provides a platform for social work graduate students to gain hands-on experience in implementing social work programs for communities in need. Qi Chuang is the first professional Social Work Services Organization to provide services to civil society, funded by local and provincial government.
Primary Location: Guangzhou
Funded Since: 2011
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