Global Reach: Past Grantees

Challenging Heights


There are over 2.4 million “economically active” children (aged 5-17) in Ghana (Ghana Population Survey 2010), 240,000 of whom are considered to be victims of hazardous child labor. The International Labour Organisation’s Analytical Study on Child Labour In Lake Volta Fishing in Ghana (August 2013) estimates that 49,000 children work in the fishing industry on Lake Volta, with 21,000 forced to undertake hazardous child labor. Many “economically active” children are denied education because of the need to work instead of attending school.


Challenging Heights (CH) was founded in 2003 to help rescue, rehabilitate and provide education for young people who have been trafficked or have experienced the worst forms of child labor. It also supports at-risk and poor families to ensure that young people are protected from trafficking and child labor through education. Furthermore, Challenging Heights conducts advocacy at community and government levels, provides training for children and parents on child rights and health, and helps families improve their income levels so that returned trafficked children can attend school.

Current Grant:

EMpower’s 8th grant to Challenging Heights will train 50 young people in shoemaking (and/or other locally relevant non-traditional livelihood work); formalize Challenging Height’s non-traditional livelihoods curriculum and secure additional resources to maintain and further expand its non-traditional livelihoods work. Challenging Heights is also strengthening their monitoring and evaluation systems by employing an M&E manager and assistant who will develop and implement a new M&E system.

Where is Challenging Heights?

Primary Location: Accra


Funded Since: 2010

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