Youth Development Tools

Sexuality and Gender

Effective work with youth requires appropriately addressing issues related to sexuality and gender. These can also be challenging and require sensitivity. A broad set of tools is included here to provide a range of guidance, activities and materials that can be adapted across cultures and age groups.

Por una Sexualidad Libre, Guía para la sensibilización y capacitación de promotoras y promotores juveniles en salud sexual

Nos Cuidamos, Nos Construimos. El papel de los varones jóvenes en la prevención del embarazo adolescente en Méxic

Machismo No es Destino, Manual de prevención de violencia contra las mujeres para niños y niñas de primaria

Aprendiendo a Querer: Noviazgos Libres de Violencia. Guía metodológica para prevenir la violencia contra las mujeres entre estudiantes de secundaria

Amores Chidos: Guia para Docentes: Sensibilizacion, Prevencion y Atencion Basica de la Violencia en el Noviazgo con las y los Jovenes

La Oportunidad de Cambio: Guia Metodologica para el trabajo comunitario con hombres desde la perspectiva de genero

Guía sobre Educacion Sexual Integral (ESI)

Curso Atención Integral a Personas Trans

Guía para docentes sobre vacunas y VPH

Guía sobre SSR y diseño de proyectos para organizaciones sociales

“Once upon a boy” and “Once upon a girl” video series

Promundo, 2013

These short “no word” cartoons can be used in any setting to prompt discussions among young people about traditional gender roles in their societies and how these influence their lives.

  • Once upon a girl” shows a girl, Maria, reflecting on expectations of what she can and cannot do.
  • “Once upon a boy” shows how rigid masculinities shape a boy (Joao)’s experience from childhood to manhood.
Working with young women: Empowerment, rights and health

Instituto Promundo and The H Alliance

This manual is designed to help educators engage young women (15-24) in discussions about how rigid ideas of what it means to be women and men affect women’s life choices, health and sexuality. It includes activities on the following topics:

  • Identity and relationships
  • Violence
  • Bodies and sexuality
  • Sexual and reproductive rights and health
  • Motherhood and caregiving
  • Empowerment, rights and health
The working with young men series, project H

Instituto Promundo with support from IPPF/WHR, PAHO and WHO, 2002

This toolkit is designed to help young men (ages 15 to 24) explore gender roles and relationships, with activities on the following topics:

  • Gender
  • Sexuality
  • Reproductive health
  • Fatherhood and care-giving
  • Violence prevention
  • Emotional health
  • Drug use
  • Preventing and living with HIV and AIDS
It’s All One

International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group, 2011

This comprehensive, user-friendly resource helps policymakers, curriculum developers, and educators to develop locally appropriate sexuality/HIV education curricula that promote critical thinking about gender and rights. The toolkit has 54 sample activities, all tested and easy to adapt across cultures.

Developed for ages 15 and older, but can be adapted for younger youth. This two-book kit provides essential content on:

  • Gender
  • Human rights
  • Sexual health and sexuality
  • HIV
  • Puberty
  • Reproduction, contraception, and abortion
  • Relationships and communication
  • Intimate-partner violence
  • Advocating for rights